
Ari J. Palttala
President and CEO
Mr. Palttala has held several management positions with Teamware Group and Teamware, Inc. since 2002. After successful development of U.S. business he led the management buyout (MBO) of P@za business line in 2005, and transformed it into an independent employee-owned multinational software company.
Mr. Palttala has 30 years of experience in running information technology companies or their product management, sales, and customer services organizations. He has held positions as Managing Director of VTLS of Finland Oy, Vice President of Marketing, Sales and Customer Services of VTLS, Inc., and helped the CEO and Board of Directors of PTFS, Inc. in transitioning its business from traditional government systems integrator to a software product company.
Mr. Palttala holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, M.S. in Industrial Engineering, and an M.B.A. degree.
David A. Weitzel
Executive Vice President
Mr. Weitzel joined Teamware Group in 1997 to help the company create a global business strategy for Teamware P@za business including defining its target markets and product specifications. Since 2000 he has been the Senior Technical Director and responsible for customer implementations, customer support and application development in North America. Prior to Teamware, he had a 20-year IT career with ICL UK, plc where he held Technical Specialist, Technical Sales and Technical Sales Manager positions.
Mr. Weitzel has a B.S. in Mathematics, and he is an expert in P@za, Liferay, responsive technologies, and Web-based applications.

Pasi K. Kössi
Vice President
Mr. Kössi has earned several promotions and gradually increasing responsibilities with Teamware Group since 1998 from Consulting Manager to Vice President postions. Since 2005 he has led the customer service, implementation and product development organizations at Teamware's subsidiary company Teamware Plaza Oy. He also serves as the technical authority and main architect for Pl@za digital experience products.
Mr. Kössi has 30 years of IT industry experience ranging from application support, development and design to leading support and customer service organizations. He has held positions as developer, tehnical support representative and support manager at Nokia Data Oy, and as international support manager at ICL Oy prior to joining Teamware.
Mr. Kössi holds B.S. and M.S. in Engineering.